Rheinfelden (Baden)

Roman small holding

The Roman farm of Nol­lin­gen was a simp­le, small hol­ding situa­ted on the “Din­kel­berg” bet­ween the 2nd and 3rd cen­tu­ry after Christ. The ground plan has been recon­struc­ted. It is said that even in the 19th cen­tu­ry the mason­ry remains had been pret­ty high till the bricks were used for the con­struc­tion of paths. In com­pa­ri­son with the cen­tral buil­ding of the Vil­la Urba­na of Grenz­ach, having a sur­face of 2800 m², the buil­ding of Nol­lin­gen has a rela­tively modest dimen­si­on of 300 m². Howe­ver, the cen­tral living area with hearth and a wide room is unusu­al. The front part of the vil­la has an ope­ning of 15 m. It is assu­med that the foun­da­ti­on stones bore the woo­den colum­ns of a portico.