Bad Krozingen

Roman Vicus

Today, when tra­vel­ling on the old Bun­des­stra­ße 3 and pas­sing through Bad Kro­zin­gen, you can hard­ly ima­gi­ne that an exten­si­ve Roman sett­le­ment was once loca­ted here on the major road that ran bet­ween Basel and Mainz. The recon­struc­ted well and an estate’s cel­lar are still visi­ble evi­dence today. Bet­ween the 1st and 3rd cen­tu­ries many inns and busi­nes­ses were situa­ted here to pro­vi­de for the needs of tra­vel­lers and dea­lers. In the ambi­ence of a Roman inn, the town muse­um gives an insight into the dai­ly life and the tra­de of the Roman times. Evi­dence of the Stone Age, the Cel­tic peri­od and the ear­ly Ale­man­nic times can be explo­red in fur­ther sec­tions as well.


Stadt­mu­se­um Bad Krozingen

Di, Do 15–17 Uhr und jeden 1. u. 3. So im Monat 15–17 Uhr

Füh­run­gen auf Anfrage

Bas­ler Stra­ße 10–12
79189 Bad Krozingen
Tel.: +49 (0)7633 / 407169
Fax: +49 (0)7633 / 407157