
Endin­gen am Kai­ser­stuhl is an offi­cial­ly reco­gni­zed health resort. The town is sur­roun­ded by vines, forests, gent­le moun­tains and hills. When you visit the his­to­ri­cal town cent­re with its roman­tic cor­ners and squa­res, town gate and well, it is like going back in time. The “Vor­der­ös­ter­reich-Muse­um”, the Local Heri­ta­ge Muse­um of the Kai­ser­stuhl, the Cheese­ma­king Muse­um and the Cher­ry Muse­um as well as the nume­rous the­me trails are popu­lar tou­rist desti­na­ti­ons. The local chefs and cel­lar mas­ters ser­ve natu­ral pro­ducts of the hig­hest qua­li­ty. Fur­ther­mo­re, at the tou­rist infor­ma­ti­on cen­ter you can rent an electric bicy­cle or an electric moun­tain bike to enjoy the con­ta­ct with the natu­re without much effort.