
The small town of Mahl­berg, foun­ded by the Stau­fer dynasty, attracts its visi­tors with a rich cul­tu­re heri­ta­ge and char­ming places. Mahl­berg is situa­ted in the sou­thern part of the Orten­au dis­trict on the wine rou­te. It is sur­roun­ded by a beau­tiful, vary­ing natu­re being mark­ed by the local viti­cul­tu­re. In 1218 Mahl­berg recei­ved the right to hold a mar­ket and the muni­ci­pal rights by the Stau­fer. The small town offers many his­to­ric sights, e. g. the fort and cast­le of the 11th and 16th cen­tu­ry, the “Ober­rhei­ni­sche Tabak­mu­se­um” (muse­um about the cul­ti­va­ti­on of tob­ac­co and the histo­ry of the town). The imme­dia­te vici­ni­ty to the famous the­me park “Euro­pa-Park”, to the natu­re con­ser­va­ti­on area “Tau­ber­gie­ßen” and the Black Forest com­ple­te this holi­day idyll.

Ober­rhei­ni­sches Tabak­mu­se­um Mahlberg

1.Mai bis 30. Sep­tem­ber: So, Fei 10–17 Uhr

Kirch­stra­ße 4
77972 Mahlberg

Tel.: +49 (0)7825 / 84380
E‑Mail: [email protected]