
Roman estate

Sin­ce the end of the 19th cen­tu­ry Roman archaeo­lo­gi­cal fin­dings have been dis­co­ver­ed in the East of Aug­gen in the land par­cel “Schlos­sä­cker”. In 1983 during excava­ti­on works mason­ry and a water con­duit were found. Ari­al pho­tos and ground pene­t­ra­ting radar inves­ti­ga­ti­ons have shown that the­re was a lar­ge Roman estate with a man­or house and a farm, having a size of near­ly 9 hec­ta­res. Next to the resi­den­ti­al buil­ding a bath­house and an exten­ded long water basin are visi­ble. Archaeo­lo­gi­cal fin­dings such as mosaic pie­ces, marb­le pla­tes and frag­ments of a marb­le sta­tue refer to the luxu­rious equip­ment of the living area.


Mark­gräf­ler Muse­um Müll­heim im Blankenhorn-Palais

Mi-Sa 14–18 Uhr, So 11–18 Uhr

Wil­helm­stra­ße 7
79379 Müllheim
Tel.: +49 (0)7631 / 801 520 Fax: +49 (0)7631 / 801 529

E‑Mail: [email protected]