
Church of Blansingen

The church of Blan­sin­gen is not situa­ted in the heart of the vil­la­ge, but out­side. Excava­ti­on works have shown that the modern church was built up on a Roman flo­or area. In the Mark­gräf­ler­land that’s a com­mon phe­no­me­non, becau­se the modern demands on the pro­per­ty area, have been simi­lar to the Roman builder’s demands. Fur­ther­mo­re, it was easier to use the buil­ding mate­ri­al lying on the ground. The pre­sent church stands on two stone pla­ted cham­bers being typi­cal for the deca­des around 700 after Christ. Pro­ba­b­ly, the­re was alre­a­dy a church at this place in the 8th cen­tu­ry. The pre­sent church is well-known for its rich fres­co pain­tings dating from the second half of the 15th century.


Muse­um in der ‘Alten Schule’


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