
Church built up on Roman walls

The small win­egro­wing vil­la­ge of Fischin­gen has an idyl­lic situa­ti­on in the midd­le of viney­ards on the wes­tern slo­pe of the Läu­fel­berg. Even if you can read the Ger­man word “Fisch” (fish) in the name of the vil­la­ge, Fischin­gen is not a for­mer fishermen’s vil­la­ge. It has an Ale­man­nic ori­gin with the per­so­nal name “Fis­co”. In 772 Fischin­gen was offi­ci­al­ly men­tio­ned for the first time. The St. Peter church in Fischin­gen is a par­ti­cu­lar sight with its impres­sing fres­co pain­ting dating from the 14th and 15th cen­tu­ry. In 1972, during excava­ti­on works, pre­vious buil­dings and gra­ves from the 8th cen­tu­ry built up on the foun­da­ti­on mason­ry were discovered.