
Roman small holding

The recon­struc­ted ground plan of this Roman small hol­ding in Brom­bach shows that it was one of the rather modest esta­tes being loca­ted on the Din­kel­berg and built up by simp­le rural peop­le in the 2nd and 3rd cen­tu­ry after Christ. The resi­den­ti­al buil­ding of 244 m², being dis­co­ve­r­ed during exca­va­tions in 1981, is situa­ted on a ter­race clo­se to a Roman road that goes across the Din­kel­berg. The cel­lar mason­ry still had a height of 1.30 m. Among the archaeo­lo­gi­cal fin­dings shown in the Drei­län­der­mu­se­um in Lör­rach, the­re are not only agri­cul­tu­ral devices, but dif­fe­rent arti­cles made by bone car­vers and 15 char­red app­les, too. The char­red app­les are real­ly uni­que for the Roman Age.

Drei­län­der­mu­se­um Lörrach

Mi-Sa 14–17 Uhr, So 11–17 Uhr

Bas­ler Stra­ße 143 79540 Lörrach
Tel.: +49 (0)7621 / 415–150
E‑Mail: museum@loerrach.de
Web: www.dreilaendermuseum.eu