
Roman Bath ruins

The Roman Bath ruins in Baden­wei­ler are among the most important Roman monu­ments in Baden-Wuert­tem­berg. Until today they are con­side­red to be the best-pre­ser­ved ther­mal spa north of the Alps, and they are cover­ed by an impres­si­ve glass roof. The bath­house for­med the cent­re of a Roman sett­le­ment bet­ween the 1st and 3rd cen­tu­ries AD, and fea­tured warm and cold pools, rela­xa­ti­on and swea­ting rooms, recep­ti­on are­as and chan­ging rooms, as well as stone-wal­led ter­races and a hypo­caust hea­ting. An inte­res­t­ing and insightful exhi­bi­ti­on pro­vi­des infor­ma­ti­on about the cul­tu­ral histo­ry. The atmo­sphe­re is uni­que in the midd­le of the park.

Römi­sche Bad­rui­ne Badenweiler

April bis Okto­ber: Mo–So 10–19 Uhr
Novem­ber bis März: Mo–So 10–17 Uhr

Füh­run­gen ganzjährig
So 11 Uhr, März bis Okto­ber Di 16 Uhr

Im Kur­park
79410 Badenweiler
Tel.: + 49 (0)7632 / 799100
Fax: + 49 (0)7632 / 799102
E‑Mail: [email protected]