Roman Bath ruins
The Roman Bath ruins in Badenweiler are among the most important Roman monuments in Baden-Wuerttemberg. Until today they are considered to be the best-preserved thermal spa north of the Alps, and they are covered by an impressive glass roof. The bathhouse formed the centre of a Roman settlement between the 1st and 3rd centuries AD, and featured warm and cold pools, relaxation and sweating rooms, reception areas and changing rooms, as well as stone-walled terraces and a hypocaust heating. An interesting and insightful exhibition provides information about the cultural history. The atmosphere is unique in the middle of the park.
Römische Badruine Badenweiler
April bis Oktober: Mo–So 10–19 Uhr
November bis März: Mo–So 10–17 Uhr
Führungen ganzjährig
So 11 Uhr, März bis Oktober Di 16 Uhr
Im Kurpark
79410 Badenweiler
Tel.: + 49 (0)7632 / 799100
Fax: + 49 (0)7632 / 799102
E‑Mail: [email protected]