
Abbey Schutt­ern

The abbey church in the dis­trict Schutt­ern of the muni­ci­pa­li­ty is part of the for­mer Bene­dic­ti­ne abbey foun­ded in the 7th cen­tu­ry. The secu­la­riza­ti­on in 1806 meant the end of the abbey. In the ent­rance area of the church you can find some infor­ma­ti­on about the histo­ry of the abbey. In the church, the­re is a spe­cial gem of the 15th cen­tu­ry. It is a nice sta­tue of the Vir­gin Mary. If you want to visit the archaeo­lo­gi­cal site being loca­ted under the church flo­or with its karo­lin­gi­an pic­tu­re mosaic, you need to make an advan­ce reser­va­ti­on at the tou­rist office of Friesenheim.


Klos­ter­mu­se­um Schuttern

Auf Anfrage

Klos­ter­stra­ße 1
77948 Friesenheim-Schuttern
Tel. 07821 / 6337–761
E‑Mail: [email protected]