
Roman Gar­dens

The remains of a Roman vil­la urba­na can be found east of the Mal­te­se Cast­le. This coun­try resi­dence of a lar­ge lan­dow­ner in Medi­ter­ra­ne­an style cover­ed 5.5 hec­ta­res and was built around 30 AD, remai­ning int­act until around 275 AD. A shel­ter erec­ted over the cen­tral buil­ding remains of the vil­la incor­po­ra­tes a muse­um with the ori­gi­nal finds, a model and a video pre­sen­ta­ti­on that pro­vi­de an insight into the dai­ly life of the occu­pants. In the Roman Gar­dens you will also find Vil­la artis, a repro­duc­tion of a Roman gran­ary. It con­ta­ins the Café “Artis” and an arts and cul­tu­ral cent­re for peo­p­le with and wit­hout disabilities.


Römer­mu­se­um Vil­la urbana

April bis Oktober
Di–Sa 13–18 Uhr, So u. Fei 11–18 Uhr

Ein­tritt frei

Füh­run­gen nach Anmeldung

Johan­ni­ter­stra­ße 89
79423 Heitersheim
Tel.: +49 (0)7634 / 595347
oder +49 (0)7634 / 40212
E‑Mail: [email protected]
Web: www.heitersheim.de