
Vil­la rustica

Below St. Martin’s Church in Müll­heim, which is now used for con­certs, exhi­bi­ti­ons and other cul­tu­ral events, lies the main buil­ding of a Roman estate, which was one of the lar­gest Roman sites at the eas­tern edge of the Upper Rhi­ne Val­ley. The loca­ti­on of the Roman farm was well cho­sen: the ter­race-like ledge on a morai­ne hill offe­red a safe place and a com­man­ding view of the Rhi­ne Plain. The­re is a per­ma­nent exhi­bi­ti­on in the Mark­gräf­ler Muse­um in the Blan­ken­horn Palace on the mar­ket squa­re of Müll­heim which offers an over­view of Roman sett­le­ment in the regi­on and explains the fea­tures of the vil­lae rusti­cae – iso­la­ted Roman farms.


Mark­gräf­ler Muse­um Müll­heim im Blankenhorn-Palais

Di–Sa 14–18 Uhr, So 11–18 Uhr
Grup­pen nach Vereinbarung

Wil­helm­stra­ße 7
79379 Müllheim
Tel.: +49 (0)7631 / 15446
Fax: +49 (0)7631 / 175225
E‑Mail: [email protected]
Web: www.markgraefler-museum.de