Places of Interest


It was alrea­dy in 1893 that ruins of a Roman buil­ding were dis­co­ve­r­ed in this area during some works on the water con­du­it. Fur­ther­mo­re, in 1983 the wes­tern edge of a lar­ge Roman vil­la urba­na and a cor­re­spon­ding water basin were dis­co­ve­r­ed at the begin­ning of some con­struc­tion works.

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The Roman farm of Nol­lin­gen was a simp­le small hol­ding situa­ted on the “Din­kel­berg” bet­ween the 2nd and 3rd cen­tu­ry after Christ. The ground plan has been reconstructed.

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The recon­struc­ted ground plan of this Roman small hol­ding in Brom­bach shows that it was one of the rather modest esta­tes being loca­ted on the Din­kel­berg and built up by simp­le rural peop­le in the 2nd and 3rd cen­tu­ry after Christ.

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The small wine­gro­wing vil­la­ge of Fischin­gen has an idyl­lic situa­ti­on in the midd­le of viney­ards on the wes­tern slo­pe of the Läufelberg.

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The church of Blan­sin­gen is not situa­ted in the heart of the vil­la­ge, but out­side. Exca­va­ti­on works have shown that the modern church was built up on a Roman floor area.

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Bad Bellingen

In the sou­thern Mark­gräf­ler­land bet­ween Schli­en­gen, Liel and Her­tin­gen the­re are depo­sits of bean ore which have been explo­i­ted and smelt sin­ce the 19th century.

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In the district of Schli­en­gen many Roman colo­nies are docu­men­ted, but only few are stu­di­ed during exca­va­ti­on works. Clo­se to the “Altin­ger Stol­len” remains of a Roman buil­ding and slag of the for­mer iron smel­ting were discovered.

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Sin­ce the end of the 19th cen­tu­ry Roman archaeo­lo­gi­cal fin­dings have been dis­co­ve­r­ed in the East of Aug­gen in the land par­cel “Schlossä­cker”. In 1983 during exca­va­ti­on works mason­ry and a water con­du­it were found.

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Below St. Martin’s Church in Müll­heim, which is now used for con­certs, exhi­bi­ti­ons and other cul­tu­ral events, lies the main buil­ding of a Roman esta­te, which was one of the lar­gest Roman sites at the eas­tern edge of the Upper Rhi­ne Valley.

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The Roman Bath ruins in Baden­wei­ler are among the most important Roman monu­ments in Baden-Wuerttemberg.

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The remains of a Roman vil­la urba­na can be found east of the Mal­te­se Cast­le. This coun­try resi­dence of a lar­ge lan­dow­ner in Medi­ter­ra­ne­an style cove­r­ed 5.5 hec­ta­res and was built around 30 AD, remai­ning inta­ct until around 275 AD.

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Bad Krozingen

When tra­vel­ling on the old Bun­des­stra­ße 3 through Bad Kro­zin­gen today, you can hard­ly ima­gi­ne that an exten­si­ve Roman sett­le­ment was once loca­ted here on the major road that ran bet­ween Basel and Mainz.

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Breisach am Rhein

Brei­sach is the only town in Baden-Wuer­t­tem­berg that was once visi­ted by a Roman Emperor: on 30 August 369 Valen­ti­ni­an I came to Brei­sach to inspect the bor­der fortres­ses on the Upper Rhine.

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The famous land­mark of Jecht­in­gen is the medi­eval tower of Fort Spon­eck. Appro­xi­mate­ly 40 years ago, a late Roman fort was exca­va­ted here.

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On the Lim­berg, 2 km down­stream from Spon­eck in the vil­la­ge of Sas­bach, you will find an inte­res­ting sci­en­ti­fic edu­ca­tio­nal trail with infor­ma­ti­on on the geo­lo­gy, histo­ry, natu­re and vini­cul­tu­re of the area as well as the Rhi­ne strai­gh­tening etc. on dis­play panels.

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Endin­gen am Kai­ser­stuhl is an offi­cial­ly reco­gni­zed health resort. The town is sur­roun­ded by vines, forests, gent­le moun­tains and hills.

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Rie­gel – Romans and Rockets” – that’s the tit­le of the con­tras­ting per­ma­nent exhi­bi­ti­on in the award-win­ning Archaeo­lo­gi­cal Museum.

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The his­to­ri­cal cent­re of Ken­zin­gen being under monu­men­tal pro­tec­tion, throws every tou­rist and visi­tor into the medi­eval times.

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The town hall is a late Baro­que buil­ding con struc­ted in 1768. Later the gab­led faça­de was deco­ra­ted with clin­ker brinks in the neo-Renais­sance style. A cha­pel being dedi­ca­ted to Saint Mar­ga­re­the and loca­ted clo­se to the town hall, is the oldest monu­ment of Her­bolz­heim and a his­to­ri­cal gem after the com­ple­ti­on of the res­to­ra­ti­on works.

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Rings­heim is a small muni­ci­pa­li­ty in the South-Baden regi­on, loca­ted in the Upper Rhi­ne Val­ley and in the foot­hill area of the Black Forest. Cel­tic peop­le and Romans had alrea­dy mined iron ores on the Kahlenberg.

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Etten­heim the most sou­thern town of the Orten­au district offers many attrac­tions. The visi­tors are main­ly impres­sed by the uni­que charm and the Medi­ter­ra­ne­an atmo­s­phe­re of the his­to­ri­cal centre.

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The small town of Mahl­berg, foun­ded by the Stau­fer dynas­ty, attracts its visi­tors with a rich cul­tu­re heri­ta­ge and char­ming pla­ces. Mahl­berg is situa­ted in the sou­thern part of the Orten­au district on the wine rou­te. It is sur­roun­ded by a beau­ti­ful, vary­ing natu­re being mar­ked by the local viticulture.

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Archaeo­lo­gi­cal exca­va­tions made visi­ble about 200,000 objects of a Roman quar­ter (“Vicus”) in Lahr-Ding­lin­gen. Based on the­se archaeo­lo­gi­cal fin­dings, a Roman ter­raced house with its archaeo­bo­ta­ni­cal gar­den was reconstructed.

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Along the Roman long-distance rou­te from Basel to Mainz a Roman ser­vice area had been estab­lis­hed near­by Frie­sen­heim around 50 AD.

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The abbey church in the district Schuttern of the muni­ci­pa­li­ty is part of the for­mer Bene­dic­ti­ne abbey foun­ded in the 7th century.

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Around 50 AD when the Roman long-distance rou­te from Basel to Mainz was built, a lar­ge ser­vice area was estab­lis­hed near­by Hohberg-Niederschopfheim.

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The rede­si­gned per­ma­nent exhi­bi­ti­on about the archaeo­lo­gy in the regi­on, loca­ted in the Rit­ter­haus Muse­um, is main­ly dedi­ca­ted to the nume­rous fin­dings of the Roman Age.

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